Friday, November 28, 2008

The story of 'Ninja Mommy'...

Well, I am sure everyone is wondering how Hollyse came home Wednesday. So, I will fill you in.

When I woke up Weds I just couldn't figure out why we needed to do the biopsy this week instead of next week. If they can wait 2-3 weeks to remove the non-functioning colon, then why couldn't they wait until after the holiday to do the biopsy? I was feeling kinda crabby about the whole thing. The nurse the night before wouldn't let me nurse Hollyse for various reasons and I was pretty frustrated. I was feeling like she wasn't even my baby. They made all the decisions and told me when I could hold her, feed her, visit her. It had me pretty miserable. So, needless to say when I walked into the NICU it was with a bit of irritation. I took one look at Hollyse and just about blew a gaskit. She was missing little tufts of hair, had bruising from all the needle sticks all over her head, hands, and feet. There were spots of dried blood on her head and she was really blotchy, I assume from crying. They had established an IV in her hand but still needed to get another before the biospy. I just couldn't take it. I have been in the NICU when they are trying to get a line going on a baby and they cry, and cry...I just couldn't take anymore.

I told Dean I was going to remove the IV and walk right out of the unit with my baby. He went and got one of my favorite nurses. I told her how I felt. She told me I didn't have to give consent. I told the Dr I wanted to wait and he said "okay, we can do it next week."

WOW. That was easy. The nurses were all cheering me and Deans jaw was on the floor. He told me he never thought my crabbiness could be used for good. Within two hours, we had packed up our bags, her bags and were in the van driving home.

So, we will be scheduling her biospy for next week, or the week after. Things will proceed as planned, just a week or two later.

Hollyse is doing well. It has been an adjustment and we have had to call the Dr once with concerns so far. Did I say how much I love the NICU Drs? They are awesome. Holly needs suppositories every 12 hours unless she goes poop on her own. I have had to give them to her twice only.

She isn't the most vigorous eater. I finally quit giving her the bottle because she would swallow so much air she wouldn't eat much at all, but then spit up most of it when she would burp. It was somewhat of a vicious cycle.

I confess, I am a little more than a baskit case if she spits up too much, sleeps too long, doesn't eat long enough, doesn't poop, or pee know, basically anything and everything has me in tears. I am like a first time mom.

I thought it was time to get some pictures that weren't taken in the NICU of our little Buttercup. She is just so sweet. She is such an easy baby, but I am just making a big deal over everything!

Your continued prayers are much appreciated. I am dreading the biopsy and the surgery that will follow.

Thank you for checking in on her. Thank you for all your precious prayers.

Sola gratia,


Unknown said...

Hollyse, You were such a WONDERFUL surprise for this Thanksgiving Holiday. Yes, indeed, your mommy & daddy shocked all of us by walking in the door with you on Wednesday! Both your grandma and great auntie were caught with really cool jammies on, a really GOOD hair day (if you know what I mean...)and our makeup was obviously professionally done...yeah! Ok, so we didn't look our best for your homecoming and we had all your sisters and brothers painting away on your WELCOME HOME sign...but we are SO VERY happy to have you home! You are doing so great and that helps ease your parents minds, especially now that you are starting to nurse more!!! WE ALL LUV YOU SO MUCH!!

Auntie Paula

Unknown said...

So excited to see Hollyse home with everyone. She is absolutely adorable! And I am amazed at "Ninja Mommy" ... you go girl! We will continue to pray. I would even pray that, if it please Him, surgery is not necessary at all.

Grace & Peace,

Keith & Susan

Unknown said...

What a blessing to be together as a family for Thanksgiving after the last few weeks! Hollyse is so cute! Thanks for posting those pics. I can't wait to meet her. It is so nice to see her without all those IVs and stuff plugged into her. The strength that God gives through out these times never ceases to amaze me. I am thankful to have been able to pray through this with you. I love you guys!

Cheryl said...

Oh, Michelle, we all knew you had it in you - LOL! You are definitely that "take charge" kinda woman. The pictures of Hollyse are absolutely precious. I am amazed at how much she looks like Noelle in the one pic. We are praying that the little Buttercup will never need that surgery. And we hope the Lord will say "as you wish"... :-)