Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hollyse Jane update for Thursday

I cannot really say we have anything new, rather just clarify a few things.
We have still not received a definative diagnosis of Hirschsprungs Disease for our sweet little girl. We are praying that pathology will have the results ready tomorrow. We are hoping that she has this disease as there are many other, much more difficult possibilities.

Hollyse has been a very sweet and patient baby thru all of this. She just seems to have a gentle disposition and we pray the Lord would grant us our petition of a life time with her to know and love her more than we already do. She is medicated and not feeling any pain. Her vitals are looking good as well. She is intubated and so we are praying that her lungs would continue to be clear and not develop pneumonia.They are still pulling a lot of yucky stuff from her tummy (poop). It is really difficult to seeing all that awful green come right out of her mouth.

There has been a few questions about if Hollyse may possibly have Downs from some family and friends. The doctors do not have any concerns with her having Downs.

It has been a roller coaster of a week. My emotions are all over the place. Dean is a 'stuffer' so he is great (insert major sarcasm here). We are both exhausted, heartbroke, yet joyful all wrapped into one very sloppy, messy package;) We know God has blessed us with this precious, sweet baby girl. But, we are broken to know she suffers.

Amanda has some pictures she will post tonight when she gets home. We were hesitant to put up NICU pictures but many people want to see her so we will go ahead and put some up.

We covet your prayers. Please pray. We have had a huge outpouring of love and offers. The thing we need, Hollyse needs, is your continual prayers. I am personally so comforted to know she is bathed in prayer. I have absolutely no hope but in Gods love, grace, mercy and that he knows the desires of our heart.

I will do my best to update as soon as we know anything new.

Many blessings,


Unknown said...

Michelle & Dean,
I am so anxious to see my great little niece Hollyse. I will be leaving to drive to Santa Barbara tomorrow directly from my office. No matter what her health challenges are, you were chosen to be her parents for a reason. She is a gift from God and given to your family to protect and love her. I have shared Hollyse's story with my claim team and my management peers. They have all promised to keep our family in their prayers. Give Hollyse my love and kisses and I will see you all very soon...TOMORROW!!

Amanda, Jacob, Noelle,& Carter... Hollyse is so lucky to have each of you as her brothers & sisters...see you soon! Auntie Paula

Unknown said...

This little note is for my sweet but strong sister Vickie...your granddaughter is sooooooooo beautiful. What a blessing you were with the family when Hollyse came into this world! I know you are also heart broken that the baby is so sick but even more so about the pain your daughter, Michelle, is going through. I know Michelle & Dean are so grateful you are taking care of their other "munchkins" during this very difficult time. Everything is going to be ok...and I do mean everything!

See you Friday! Love and Kisses


Corinne Doughan said...

We just want you to know that you have some faithful prayer warriors in the Doughan family! Let us know if there is ANYTHING else we can do to help.

Grandpa Clarke said...

From Uncle Clarke and the Arizona Waldons: what an absolutely beautiful baby girl! Our prayers and thoughts are constantly with you. I had the feeling last night that Grandpa Hollis is very close to Little Hollyse and is lobbying the angels on her behalf. Let us know what we can do to help. Love you all.