Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Watching the socialist candidate for president

I am seriously going to....I don't know, throw up?
We get two channels, TWO. On both is that socialist that I am not voting for. The little bit I did watch was about, a joke. He is 'recalling' a woman he meet, I don't know where. But this lady is a widow with two children. She is a teacher, a home owner, and drives a car nicer than most. I noticed her glasses, nice ones too. I wonder if her insurance paid for them? But, this poor lady has to decide if she wants to buy a gallon or half gallon of milk, she wonders outloud to the camera "What can I afford?".

Are you serious people? Really? Have you thought this all the way through?

Since when do we consider a teacher 'poor'? A teacher has many benefits including great hours and a pension...I really could go on and on. I really better not.

Maybe the socialist should have given this 'poor' teacher some of the money he spent trying to brainwash America during the thirty minutes he paid millions for. Since he wants to spread the wealth, he can be the first to give up his home to buy her a bigger one.
