Thursday, September 25, 2008

Long overdue post!

I haven't posted in months. Actually, Amanda is the one who keeps the blog updated somaybe I'll blame her;)

Nothing much to report. I am very, correction, VERY pregnant. I still have 8 weeks (or so) to go. We have been doing a lot of work around the house that just needed to be done. I shampooed the carpets and did a considerable amount of painting. In fact, the nursery is nearly finished. I am super happy with it. I really wanted something feminine and classic. I will post some pictures soon.

We started school the 16th and it is going well. Carter just loves kindergarten! He will work until he has the wiggles in the worst way. I often have to force him to go outside and let off some steam. Noelle is just, well, e-a-s-y. At this point in time I am having to skip things in her books because she knows them. Why have her do busy work. Jacob is moving along, although he only really wants to do science. Hmmm, he really likes grammar too so that rounds things out some. Amanda has really picked up the pace and is doing really well too. It's her last year. I am happy and sad about that.

The picutres above are from Carters birthday. In this house you are allowed to choose your birthday dinner. Carter chose Sushi. I know that seems, errr, strange for a little guy. But that is truly what he wanted. The pictures are actually backwards. In the first picture he is being served dessert. He wasn't real excited about it. But in the second picture he is eating Sashimi. He doesn't like the rolls, he just wants the fish. I gotta tell you, when he picked Sushi for dinner, everyone in this house cheered.

Except Noelle, she doesn't care for it.

He is five years old now! That makes me kinda sad.

I think I'll go have a good cry.

I might need a cookie too.
