Sunday, August 9, 2009

Homeschool planning...

I am hoping to wrap up my planning this last week. The operative word here is 'hoping'.

In all honesty, it likely won't happen, but I can dream.

I am actually enjoying the planning and taking my sweet time with it. I have all month and I have ordered almost everything except a couple things for Jacob. He is taking some tutorials this year. I am excited for him to get to know some other kids around the country and learn from someone other than dad and I. Actually, I fully plan on sitting through the classes with him and learning something myself.

We are going back to our Classical Education roots! When we moved I slacked off, mostly due to lack of support locally for this particular method. I didn't give it up completely but enough to be somewhat ashamed;)

I am just seeing that Classical works. It really does. It is actually a rather enjoyable approach.

Hollyse had a tough week. It was just, hard for her. Not only was she teething, but she had some pretty severe constipation. Her tummy just kept getting bigger until I had to intervene. Needless to say, she had a day of clearing herself out that left her tush red.

As a mommy, it always feels like you've failed if your baby has a rash. You feel as though everyone knows you 'must never change that kids diaper with a rash like that'...but with Hirschsprungs, a rash is a regular occurence. The surgeon told us to expect it, the other mommies who have children with this disease tell you to expect it. But, I still wince every time her bottom is red. In all honesty, she has been 100% less rashy than we expected and her surgeon is thrilled. But I still feel like a bad mommy. It never fails someone always has to mention how "my children rarely get rashes." Well gee, thanks for the encouragement. I think maybe the teething isn't helping either.

By the way, she has TWO teeth now, and she waves 'hi' and says "hahhh"...I love her so stinking much. She really is brilliant you know. What other baby at four months could grab their pacifier and put it in their mouth? What a genius!

I am digging that Intentional Planner. I am telling you, do your mommy self a favor and get one. I am editing and printing and organizing and planning like a nut. It is just wonderful!!!

I want to do a give away. I would like to make another quilt and give it away. It was such a fun project.

What do you think, should I distract myself with another sewing project for a give away?

I will never get my planning done if I keep this up....


Corinne Doughan said...

YES!! Give away, give away, give AWAY!!! I want to enter to win because I think the quilt is SO wonderful!!!