Friday, August 28, 2009

Another biopsy, but this time with the Hirschsprungs Specialist in the US

Poor Holly bug. I just HATE to put her through anything. But, it seems that there is no choice. I have been emailing the specialist in Cincinnati about her ongoing issues. He wants to see her and rebiopsy the distal pull-through as well as do a contrast study.

It is good that he is getting onboard. But it is hard to hear that he thinks there is cause for concern. We don't have a date yet, but his nurse will be in contact to set that up.

Can I vent a little bit? People are always telling me how healthy she looks, and I know they mean well with it. I know it is intended to encourage me that she is a beautiful child and we must be giving her great care. But, in all honesty it is hard to hear when you know things aren't right, and you think you must be freakin' crazy to think something is wrong when she looks so good. Well, on the outside at least. I am not angry just feel like they must think I am a nut.

I don't even know what I want to happen. I don't want another pull through, but I am not happy at the idea of her having the issues she is having now for the rest of her life (constipation and painful bm).

Sometimes you can't win for losing.


Unknown said...

How's your little bloss now? How did the trip to Cinn. go?