Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mommy and Carter asleep on the couch:

Noelle's Captain Crunch Look:

Hello to all!
I hope this post finds all of you well and blessed in His perfect peace!

We have all be busy about our business... Dad with, mom and all kids with school and chores. Everyone enjoying the presence of the others=)

Dad is leaving for North Carolina for a Mens Conference with 'Vision Forum' tomorrow night. We are all hoping that he has a wonderful time! That he would be blessed in his trip... He will be very missed. Then from NC he will be going to New Jersey for a work matter. On a grand total he will be gone for a week and a couple days. Please pray that he will be blessed with traveling mercies, and that he would arrive at each destination with safety. I am a bit unsure whether or not we are going for sure, or when we would go, but i believe for a few days that we might go see our grandma for a while, while he is gone. We are all pretty excited=) It would be so fun to see her!

Chez Waldon,