Holly they first time she ever slept in her crib at three months old...
Big brother and big sister telling her not to worry, mommy won't leave her in there much at all...
Holly at 3 months
This dress should have been her Christmas dress, but she never was able to wear it. We made it a Valentines dress. She looks great in it!
Such a sweet little baby!
What a doll!
Don't you just wanna eat her up! Those little legs, oh my goodness! That happy little face is her standard.
Well, it is about time I updated this blog. I have been enjoying my family the last couple months and catching up around the house. I am still in the 'fog' of having a baby around the house. It has taken time to adjust to life with little Hollyse and all we have gone through.
Hollyse looks so great and it seems unbelievable she has anything wrong with her! She has such a terrific disposition and happy countenance. This child is really nothing like me!
Holly has recovered well from her surgery. She saw her surgeon a few times for procedures. They were unpleasant, but revealed very little scar tissue at that time and that is a good thing. Her last appt was about 8 weeks ago and her Dr told us the results of the pathology were not what we had hoped for. The pathologist could find no healthy ganglian in the 12cm section removed. What that means is, they didn't remove all of the affected tissue. So, more surgery. Yep, bummer. The other thing he shared is that it seems she has a very, very rare skip segment or zonal section. He has never had a patient with this and wanted to do some research before we jump into surgery. Realistically, she can go months without surgery (perhaps years even). But, that would depend upon other factors as well such as how well she tolerates solid foods once we introduce them.
At this point we are at a stand still. I would like the surgery well before we introduce solids (around 9 or 10 months of age). I will insist upon further biopsies and perhaps a contrast barium to see what her intestines look like. If it is inflamed that will help us determine the next step. Chronically inflamed intestines could precipitate other problems.
So, we wait as we have been and enjoy our little blessing. Specific prayers for absolute certainty that we haven't removed it all before more surgery. It would also be nice if we would hear from the Dr. soon as we have been waiting 8 almost nine weeks.
Hollys' surgeon became Noelles' surgeon when he repaired her bilateral inguinal hernias in January. It was a simple out patient surgery for Noelle and she is doing great. SHe is back to her busy self and doesn't have discomfort from hernias.
Amanda turned 18 in Februry and is finishing up her senior year of high school.We are excited to have our first home school graduate.
Jacob is still learning to play guitar. I actually enjoy listening to him play now! He surfs a little with Amanda but not as often as he would like.
Carter is a good big brother. He is learning to read and loves school! He has mellowed out some and it's a good thing.
Dean is traveling as usual. This week he took Jacob with him on his business trip and they spent some time with Grandmere. Jacob loves his Grandmere and I think he would go with Dean every week if he could hang out with her!
I will try to post a little more often now that the dust has settled some.
I promise!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Long overdue post, but no news is good news sometimes!
Posted by Chéz Waldon at 10:17 AM
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I'm so glad to get an update Michelle. It feels like I haven't seen or talked to you in ages. Babies keep us both busy!! :)
Great post!!
Holly is so beautiful! I am envying the great pictures you're getting of her--thatnks for shairng them!!
Holly is adorable!! Grandmere gave me your blog address...she had just been emailing updates of Holly in the beginning but I'm excited to be able to read a little more on your blog. Her pics are sooooo cute!! I can't believe how your family has grown...I last saw you all when Noelle was just a baby :)
Oops! I forgot to post with my blogger identity so you would know who I was (Clarke Waldon's youngest daughter :)
So wonderful to see happy and beautiful Hollyse! We will continue to pray for her health and safety.
You had mentioned wanting to make this blog itno a book for Holly. I came across this website, although I am sure there are others :)
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